香港大学,社会工作专业 |
哲学博士 |
2013-2017 |
中国人民大学,社会保障专业 |
管理学硕士 |
2011-2013 |
吉林大学,劳动与社会保障专业 |
公共管理学学士 |
2007-2011 |
吉林大学,保险精算专业 |
理学学士(第二学历) |
2009-2011 |
吉林大学,国际贸易专业 |
经济学学士(第二学历) |
2008-2010 |
1. 硕士研究生(MSW)专业必修课《社会政策》
2. 硕士研究生(MSW)老年方向必修课《老年社会工作》
3. 硕士研究生(MSW)公益慈善与企业社会工作方向必修课《公益组织与企业社会工作的研究与评估》
1. “The research on the profile and needs of Hong Kong family caregiver taking care of elderly living in community”,项目资助方:The Hong Kong Council of Social Service,共同负责人
2. “现代化变迁下中国老年人的代际关系、养老需求与主观福祉”, 国家自然科学基金,课题组成员
3.“Information and communication technologies-based services for old people adopting long-distance caregiving in Hong Kong: The intention behavior and future strategies”, 项目资助方:香港大学基础研究种子基金,共同负责人
4. “Study of Mainland Chinese MSW graduates in Hong Kong” ,项目资助方:香港社会服务发展研究中心,课题组成员
5. “Age friendly city – comparative study on Hong Kong, Beijing, Shenzhen and Kobe ” ,项目资助方:香港大学基础研究种子基金,共同负责人
6. “北京市社区居家老年长期照护服务需求研究”,项目资助方:北京师范大学自主科研基金,课题组成员
Journal of Aging & Social Policy
Research on Aging
Journal of Social Work
China Journal of Social Work
BMC Geriatrics
1. Fu Y.Y.*, Chui E.W.T., Law, C.K., Zhao X., & Lou V.W.Q. (in press). An exploration of older people’s willingness to pay for community care vouchers in Hong Kong. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, DOI: 10.1080/08959420.2018.1467157
2. Fu Y.Y., Xu Y.B., & Chui E.W.T. (in press). Development and Validation of a Filial Piety Scale for Chinese Elders in Contemporary China. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.
3. Fu Y.Y.*, Chui E.W.T., Kan W.S., & Ko L. (2018). Improving primary level home and community care service for older people - The case of Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Welfare, 27, 52-61.
4. Bai X., Guo Y., & Fu Y.Y. (2018). Self-image and intergenerational relationships as correlates of life satisfaction in Chinese older adults: Will gender make a difference? Ageing and Society, 38(7), 1502-1519.
5. Fu Y.Y., Guo Y., Bai X., & Chui E.W.T. (2017). Factors associated with older people’s long-term care needs: A case study adopting the expanded version of Andersen Model in China. BMC Geriatrics, 17(38).
6. Guo Y., Fu Y.Y., Chui E.W.T., & Bai X. (2017). Equity, efficiency and effectiveness: An evaluation study of the Urban Minimum Livelihood Guarantee Scheme in China. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 10:143-157.
7. Zhao X.Y., Fu Y.Y.*, & Chui E.W.T. (2016). Motivations of older Chinese adult learners in Hong Kong. Current Aging Science, 9, 178-187.
8. 付媛媛*,吕翔涛. 《医疗保障政策与城市低保家庭医疗需求的匹配度分析》. 《中国人口、资源与环境》. 2014(S1), 453-456.
1. 付媛媛、张璐,2015,《城市低保家庭的教育救助》,收录于《城市最低生活保障制度研究》(pp. 118-142), 北京:中国社会科学出版社.
2. 吕翔涛、付媛媛,2015,《城市低保家庭的医疗救助》,收录于《城市最低生活保障制度研究》(pp. 143-165),北京:中国社会科学出版社.
1. Fu Y.Y. (2017). Patterns and predictors of intended service use among frail older adults in urban China. The ICSW 2017: 19th International Conference on Social Work, Paris, France.
2. Fu Y.Y. (2017). Factors affecting older people’s long-term care needs: A case study in Beijing, China. The 17th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
3. Fu Y.Y., & Han K.Q. (2016). The role of attitude towards Urban Minimum Livelihood Guarantee Scheme in life satisfaction of poor older people in China: Will gender make a difference? Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) International Conference, London, UK.
4. Fu Y.Y. (2016). Comparative study between institutional care mode and family care mode of orphans and disabled children in China. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) 2016, Seoul, Korea.
5. Fu Y.Y. (2016). Understanding patterns of formal service utilization among community-dwelling frail old people in China. 第十三届世界华人地区长期照护研讨会,北京,中国。
6. Sa Z.H., Fu Y.Y., & Chen F.C. (2016). Unmet needs for home and community-based services among frail older adults in urban China. 第12届中国老年学学科建设研讨会,北京,中国。
7. Fu Y.Y. (2014). Research on educational assistance for families receiving subsistence allowance in Chinese six cities. 第六届中国社会福利研究专业委员会年会暨“福利治理:本土创新与国际经验”国际研讨会,南京,中国。
2 国家级教学成果一等奖(1):励耘实验班大理科人才培养模式实践,2005
3 国家级教学成果一等奖(3):区域地理教学与课程建设,2001
5 北京市教学成果一等奖(3):地理学基地多元三维培养模式,2012