北京师范大学,应用心理学专业 | 教育学博士 | 2014-2020 |
首都师范大学,发展与教育心理学专业 | 教育学硕士 | 2011-2014 |
青岛大学,应用心理学专业 | 理学学士 | 2007-2011 |
1. 各专业本科师范生《发展心理学》
2. 各专业本科师范生《教育生涯规划与指导》
3. 各专业本科师范生《学生心理健康专题研讨》
1. “人际和谐与心理健康促进技术”, 国家社科重大项目,课题组成员.
Journal of Career Development
1. Zhu, J., Lee, B. H., Diaz, D., & Flores, L. Y. (2019). Evaluating the scholarly impact of vocational research with diverse racial/ethnic groups: 1969-2017. Journal of Career Development, 48, 260-274. doi:10.1177/0894845319846423
2. Lee, B. H., Zhu, J., Diaz, D., Fischer, J., Flores, L. Y.,... Atilano, R. (2017). Racial/Ethnic Minority Vocational Research Trends: An 11-Year Update. The Career Development Quarterly, 65, 288-301. doi: 10.1002/cdq.12108
3. Navarro, R. L., Flores, L. Y., Legerski, J. P., Brionez, J., May, S. f., Suh, H. N., Slivensky, D. R., Tapio, F., Lee, H-S., Garriott, P. O., Hunt, H. K., Desjarlais, C., Lee, B-H., Diaz, D., Zhu, J., & Jung. A-K. Social cognitive predictors of engineering students’ academic persistence intentions, engagement, and satisfaction. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 66, 170-183. doi: 10.1037/cou0000319
4. 张鑫, 侯志瑾, 朱佳佳*, 王丹妮. (2018). 模糊容忍度对生涯决策困难的影响:生涯适应力与焦虑的中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志. 26(2), 347-352.
5. 肖义涛, 侯志瑾, 王婕, & 朱佳佳*. (2017). 模糊容忍度团体辅导对大学生生涯决策困难的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 25(3), 572-576.
1. 朱佳佳等,2021,《2021开学指南》(小学版)/ (中学版) 主编,广东海燕电子音像出版社.
2. 侯志瑾,朱佳佳等,2020,《2020返校必备》(小学版) / (中学版) 副主编,广东海燕电子音像出版社.
3. 邹泓,侯志瑾等,《心理健康与职业生涯》参与撰写,高等教育出版社.
4. 侯志瑾等,《高中生涯发展指导》(高一)/ (高三),参与撰写,北京师范大学出版社.
1. Zhu, J., Hou, Z., Zhang, F., & Wang, D. (August, 2018). Gender stereotype in STEM classroom: A proximal contextual barrier to inclusion for young girls. Poster presented at the 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, California, U.S.
2. Zhu, J., Hou, Z., & Zhang, F. (August, 2018). Hostility towards men in male-dominated STEM classroom: Fake cues for gender egalitarian. Poster presented at the 126th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. San Francisco, California, U.S.
3. Hou, Z., & Zhu, J. (May, 2018). Career adaptability mediates gender stereotype threat and sense of belonging in Chinese STEM undergraduates. Poster to be presented at the Annual Conference for Asia Pacific Career Development Association. Beijing, China.
4. Zhu, J., Hou, Z., Wang, D., Xiao, Y., Cao, Y., Tian, X., Xu, M., & Zhang, X. (August, 2017). Career decision-making profiles and mental health: Mediation of career adaptability. Poster presented at the 125th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Washington, DC, U.S.
5. Zhu, J., Hou, Z., Wang, D., Xiao, Y., Flores, L.Y., & Zhao, N. (August, 2016). Parental Behaviors and Adolescents' Well-being: Motivation and Career adaptability as Mediators. Poster presented at the 124th Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Denver, Colorado, U.S.