2017-2020 |
北京师范大学 |
课程教学论(数学) |
教育学博士 |
2018-2019 |
墨尔本大学 |
数学教育 |
访问学者 |
2015-2016 |
伦敦大学国王学院 |
数学教育 |
教育学硕士 |
2011-2015 |
海南大学 |
数学与应用数学 |
理学学士 |
澳大利亚研究委员会Australian Research Council(ARC)创新项目(Discovery Project) “Learning from Lessons: International Study of mathematics teacher learning”;项目号:DP170102540;主研研究者;2017-2020
澳大利亚研究委员会Australian Research Council(ARC)创新项目(Discovery Project) “Social Essentials of Learning: Collaborative Learning in Australia&China”;项目号:DP170102541;主研研究者;2017-2020
Zhang, S., Cao, Y., Chan, M.C.E. et al. (2022) A comparison of meaning negotiation during collaborative problem solving in mathematics between students in China and Australia. ZDM Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-022-01335-9 (SSCI online first)
Wegerif, Rupert,张舒,袁莉(2022).面向群体智能塑造未来教育:一项重要研究课题.中国教育信息化.1,4-10.
Zhang, S., Chan, MCE., Cao, Y., & Clarke, D. (2021). Developing a conceptual framework for investigating student participation in collaborative problem solving in mathematics: Positioning and negotiation between four Chinese students. Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics, 31(3):277-297. doi.org/10.29275/jerm.2021.31.3.277
Zhang, S., Zhao, W., & Cao, Y. (2021).Toward Sustainable Professional Development: An Investigation of Informal Interactions among Chinese Mathematics Teachers, Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 3191. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.681774 (SSCI)
Cao, Y., Zhang, S*., Chan, M.C.E. et al. (2021) Post-pandemic reflections: lessons from Chinese mathematics teachers about online mathematics instruction. Asia Pacific Education Review. 22, 157–168. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-021-09694-w (SSCI)(Corresponding Author)
Zhang, S., Cao, Y., Wang, L., & Li, X. (2019) Characteristics of teaching and learning single-digit whole number multiplication in china: the case of the nine-times table[J]. ZDM-Mathematics Education, 51(1), 81-94.(SSCI)
曹一鸣,李信巧,郭转娜,张舒. (2021) 初中数学教师非正式交流研究-基于中国3个地区七年级数学教师的调查分析. 数学教育学报[J]. 30(03),12-17.
张舒,曹一鸣,王宽明. (2020) 国际视野下问题解决在数学课程发展中的争鸣和走势. 比较教育学报[J]. 1,10-23. (CSSCI)
张舒,曹一鸣. (2018)“问题”“理论”与“方法”:如何做好数学教育研究——访国际数学教育委员会前秘书长Mogens Niss教授[J]. 数学教育学报. 27(06): 53-57. (CSSCI)
张舒,王浩华,李肯, 王猛涛,陆宁波. (2015) 基于神经网络算法的海南旅游需求测估模型[J].数学的实践与认识. 2015, 45 (19), 12-22.
Zhang, S., Chan, MCE., & Cao, Y. Examining Student participation in collaborative mathematics problem solving through the lens of commognitive framework. Oral Presentation in The 44th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 44), Tailand. 2021, July.
Zhang. S., & Wang, Y. Rethinking Scaffolding in teacher-student interaction from the perspective of teacher emotion. Classroom Teaching Research for all Students (CTRAS2021). Beijing, China. 2021, June.
Cao, Y., Guo Z., & Zhang, S*. An investigation of Chinese mathematics teachers’ informal interactions and collaborations in middle schools. ICMI Study 25. 2020, February, pp.444-451.(通讯作者)
邀请报告:墨尔本大学教育研究生院“数学教育系统国际比较(International comparisons of mathematics education systems)”论坛,2019, May.
Zhang, S., Chan, MCE., & Cao, Y. Studying student interactive positioning in collaborative mathematics problem solving: the case of four Chinese students. In G. Hine, S. Blackley, & A. Cooke (Eds.). Mathematics Education Research Impacting Practice (Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference of the Mathematics Research Group of Australasia), 2019. July. Perth MERGA. pp. 787-794.
Zhang. S. & Cao, Y. Studying Teachers Beliefs on Teaching Whole Numbers With the Application of Nine Times Table. Poster Presentation in The 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 42), Sweden, 2018 July.
Zhang, S. What makes proof difficult? A study of the secondary-tertiary transition with a focus on recognition and learning of mathematical proof. Proceedings of Research Forum International Classroom Teaching Research for All Students. 2017, July