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2022,03 - 至今 北京师范大学 博士后 数学教育

2017,09-2021,11 香港大学 博士 数学教育

2013,9-2016,7 西南大学 硕士 数学教育

2009,9-2013,7 四川师范大学 学士 数学与应用数学

已发表论文(一作共 9 篇:6 SSCI; 3 篇 北核 CSSCI 扩展版)

Guo, M (2023) The Relationship between Students’ Grit and Mathematics  Performance: The Mediational Role of Deep and Surface Learning Strategies.  Asia-Pacific education researcher, 1-11. (SSCI)

Guo, M., Cao, Y., & Hu, X. (2022) Chinese Students’ Filial Piety Beliefs and  Procrastination in Mathematics Learning: The Mediating Role of Academic  Emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 807. (SSCI)

Guo, M., Leung, F. K., & Hu, X. (2020). Affective determinants of mathematical  problem posing: the case of Chinese Miao students. Educational Studies in  Mathematics, 105(3), 367-387. (SSCI)

Guo, M., & Hu, X., (2021) Relationship of Classroom Goal Structures to Chinese  Miao and Han Students’ Goal Orientations and Mathematics Achievement.  Asia-Pacific education researcher, 1-11. (SSCI)

Guo, M., & Hu, X., Leung, F. K. S., (2021) Culture, Goal Orientations, and  Mathematics Achievement among Chinese Primary School Students.  International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. (SSCI)

Guo, M., & Leung, F. K. (2021). Achievement goal orientations, learning strategies,  and mathematics achievement: A comparison of Chinese Miao and Han  students. Psychology in the Schools, 58 (1), 107-123. (SSCI)

郭萌, 熊妍茜, 杨新荣, & 陈朝东. (2016). 五年级和六年级学生分数表征转化 能力的调查研究. 数学教育学报, 25(5), 49-54. (北核;CSSCI 扩展版; 人大 复印全文转载)

郭萌, 王宁 (2015). 在家庭教育活动中渗透数学文化的探索——基于《小学数 学文化丛书》的应用. 数学教育学报, 24(4), 92-95. (北核;CSSCI 扩展版)

郭萌 (2015).中国少数民族数学文化研究的成果与问题及对策——基于中国少 数民族数学教育专业委员会成立大会暨第四届中国少数民族数学教育学 术研讨会. 数学教育学报, 24 (01),75-76. (北核;CSSCI 扩展版)