2021-2023 |
北京师范大学—智慧学习研究院 |
博士学士后研究生 |
2015-2021 |
赫尔辛基大学—教育科学学院 |
哲学博士 |
2015-2015 |
西南大学—西南民族教育与心理研究中心 |
教育学硕士 |
2022年科技部国家重点研发计划“互联网教育应用的行为感知与风险监测关键技术研发”项目. 课题组成员
2022年国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于领域适应算法的人机协作学习能力泛化关键技术研究”. 课题组成员
2021年香港中文大学(深圳)教学创新项目(Teaching innovation grant) "Promote first year medical students' learning engagement using collaborative learning and e-portfolio", 共同负责人
2016年重庆社科规划项目“特色新型智库评价的数据平台构建研究”. 主要参与者, 排名第二
Wang, S., Yang, D*., Shehata, B. (2023). Exploring effects of intelligent recommendation, interactivity, and playfulness on learning engagement: An application of TikTok considering the meditation of anxiety and moderation of virtual reward. Comput. Hum. Behav. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.107951
Yang, D.*, Cai, Z., Tan, Y., Zhang, C., & Huang, R. (2022). The light and dark sides of student engagement: Profiles and their association with perceived autonomy support. Behav. Sci. 12(11):408
Yang, D., Chen, P., Wang, H., Wang, K.*, & Huang, R. (2022). Teachers’ autonomy support and student engagement: A systematic literature review of longitudinal studies. Front. Psychol. 13, 925955
Wang,H., Tlili, A., Huang, R., Cai, Z., Li, M., Cheng, Z., Yang, D., Li, M., Zhu, X & Fei, C. (2023). Examining the applications of intelligent tutoring systems in real educational contexts: A systematic literature review from the social experiment perspective. Educ Inf Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10639-022-11555-x
Yang, D.*, Cai, Z. & Huang, R. (2022). Not all engaged students are alike: Patterns of engagement and burnout among elementary students using a person-centered approach. BMC Psychol. 11(1): 38
Sang, G., Wang, K., Li, S., Xi, J., Yang, D. (2023). Effort expectancy mediate the relationship between instructors' digital competence and their work engagement: evidence from universities in China. Education Tech Research Dev. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-023-10205-4
Chen, P., Yang,D.*, & Lavonen J. (2023) Computational thinking skills through unplugged activities: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Int. J. STEM Educ. 10(1):1-25
Yang, D.*, Wang, H., Saleh Metwally, A., Huang, R. (2022). Student engagement during emergency remote teaching: A scoping review. Smart Learn. Environ. 10(1): 1-17
Yang, D*., Lavonen, M . J. , & Niemi, H.( 2018). Online learning engagement: Critical factors and results-evidence from literature. Themes in eLearning, 11(1), 1-22
陈鹏, 王晓, 杨姝, 陈晓怡, 杨东. 可视化编程能有效促进K12学生的发展吗——基于SSCI期刊39项实验和准实验的元分析[J].现代远程教育研究,2023,35(04):102-112
顾尔伙,杨东.爱沙尼亚劳动技术教育课程整合及其启示[J]. 教育导刊, 2021(07):82-89.DOI:10.16215/j.cnki.cn44-1371/g4.2021.07.013
左成光,王俊民,杨东.芬兰基础教育基于核心素养的科学课程标准探析. 外国中小学教育, 2017(10):58-66
全球计算机教育创新与技术年会 (ITiCSE 2019: The 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer),英国: 艾伯丁大学, 2019
北欧教育研究协会年度会议 (NERA 2019: Education in a Globalized World), 瑞典: 乌普萨拉大学,2019
美国科学教育研究协会年会(National Association for Research in Science Teaching), 美国: 亚特兰大The Westin Peachtree Plaza, 2018
美国科学教育研究协会 (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) 年度博士生会议&工作坊, 台北, 2017
欧洲技术促进学习协会 (Europe Association of Technology Enhanced Learning) 暑期学校, 阿尔巴尼亚: 杜内斯, 2018
挪威奥斯陆大学暑期学校 “Big Data Mining and Analysis (PYTHON)”. 挪威: 奥斯陆,2017