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[预告] 10.31 丹麦奥尔堡大学讲座: 1. 在不寻常的环境中享受平凡——游弋格陵兰;2. 奥尔堡PBL 模型
发布时间:2019-10-25     文章来源:



时    间: 16:30-17:30


地    点:励教楼 B302


主    题:Consuming the ordinary in extraordinary settings – experiencing routines while cruising Greenland在不寻常的环境中享受平凡——游弋格陵兰的日常)


主讲人:Karina Madsen Smed


Associate Professor in tourism and cultural studies, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Denmark. Ph.d., Faculty of Humanities.




内容简介Tourism has often been positioned as inherently extraordinary, non-familiar, sacred and luxurious due to the role that it plays in tourists’ social world (Graburn, 2001; Mossberg, 2003). However, a turn towards ordinariness, familiarity, everydayness and mundanity in tourism research is also becoming more evident (Hannam & Knox, 2010; Larsen, 2019). Routines are constructed and consumed in tourism settings, reminiscing familiar, everyday routines, yet employed in this extraordinary setting and becoming part of the tourist experience. The purpose of the study is therefore firstly to understand the role of routines in tourism settings and secondly to highlight the potential effects that these may have on the extraordinary experience.


The empirical foundation for this study is data collected during a cruise along the coast of Greenland. A ‘bricolage’ (Ehn, Löfgren & Wilk, 2016) consisting of 1) a number of interviews and conversations with passengers and staff, 2) observations of various settings and situations, and 3) pre-trip desk research of information about the trip, will form the basis for this exploration of routines in extraordinary settings.





时    间: 19:00-20:30


地    点:励教楼 C207


主    题:The Aalborg PBL Model(奥尔堡PBL模型)


主讲人:Nikolaj Stegeager


Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, Denmark, Head of School of Consciousness & Human Development, Aalborg University, Head of Learning Lab AAU.




内容简介This lecture introduces to the primary pedagogical model at Aalborg University – The Alborg Model. The Aalborg model includes project work based on authentic problems, self-governed group work and collaboration. The Aalborg model provides students with tools for independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences at an advanced academic level. During their studies, many students will also have the opportunity to cooperate with external partners on the solution of scientific problems. The Aalborg model assumes that students learn best when applying theory and research based knowledge in their work with an authentic problem. At the same time, the model supports students in the development of their communication and cooperation competences, and in acquiring the skills required when taking an analytical and result-oriented approach. This lecture provides a research based, theoretical frame of reflection for problem-based learning pedagogy and focuses on the connection between teaching, supervision and student learning processes within a PBL environment.